Monday, February 14, 2011

Assignment Five

The Assignment:
For our next assignment we were asked to go to the 7th Sanctum Website and use one of their generators to give a prompt for a character, as well as use an assigned video game style. I used the Fantasy Cross-bread generator and out of many times of refreshing the page, I finally chose this:

"The unwise female half-Ki-Rin tomb robber who is prone to odd statements. She appears far more non-human than human."

I was assigned Jak & Daxter as my style to replicate.

The Research:

Of course the first thing I did was google what Ki-Rins look like. What I found is that they look like a goat or horse mixed with a dragon.

Next was looking up some images and information about the game Jak & Daxter:

Wikipedia didn't give much information in terms of storyline for me to fit my character, so I asked many people who have played the game themselves how to best fit her in story-wise. I found out that Jak collects things called Power Cells, and these became my main objective in giving my character a background. Power cells and side quests.

The Character:

Not much ideation was used in creating my character's final design, as once I finished my research I had a solid idea set.


Kalik was designed to have a small role in the Jak and Daxter games as a side NPC that has the player go and retrieve treasures for her in return for power cells. Additional background information on her:

She is from a small clan of centaur-like Ki-Rins, where her people thrive on customs and ancient ways. This influence caused her to explore the customs of other peoples... Usually by invading their graves to find interesting things. She collects artifacts of other cultures in hopes to improve her knowledge of others.

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